And if I die today...


Stephanie Chizoba Odili

June 14, 2024

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"Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?'"
John 11:25-26

And if I die today, what happens next? What comes after that? What does it all even mean?

What I have come to see, learn and experience is that the way to die, the way to live, and the way to eternal life are deeply interconnected by one major thread.

I will start with fear. You see, the way to die is not something to be feared anymore but rather understood. And one can only do this through hope and faith in Jesus Christ. Death is generally considered a passage, but for those who believe in Jesus, it is direct access to eternal life with God where there is eternal joy.

The Bible teaches that death has lost its sting through the victory of Jesus Christ. As Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 15:55, believers are encouraged to view death not as an end, but as a beginning—a transition from the temporal to the eternal, where we will be in the presence of God. Therefore, human death (at whatever age or stage in life) becomes a “good” thing.

The truth behind why some of us are afraid to die is because we do not know what comes next, or we do not know if indeed there would be a place of eternal sorrow. This has made people become hardened to the afterlife. They act like they are okay with eternal fire, or eternal blackness/nothingness.

I ask that you renew your mind and seek to enjoy eternal joy and peace which can only be found in Jesus.

People usually assume that they will see God and eternity/paradise if their good outweighs their bad or if their god pities them, so they live life on edge, constantly working hard by their power to be worthy. Yet, there is a better, easier, graceful way to live as you hope for what is next.

The way to live is to believe and follow Jesus Christ. It is not about good outweighing the bad, it's far from morality and pity granted by gods. Instead, it is all about grace, love and mercy.

Jesus Himself said in John 10:10, "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." This abundant, full life is marked by a deep, personal relationship with God that comes from believing and walking in those beliefs.

By living in accordance with God's will, you will find purpose and fulfilment, experiencing a peace that surpasses all understanding even in the midst of life's challenges. No wonder Christians, though having suffered in this world, wait eagerly with joy for what is ahead while gladly enjoying/appreciating today.

Finally and truly, the best and only way to eternal life is through faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus declared in John 14:6, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." This assurance is a powerful hope for the future, as eternal life is a gift from God through His grace, not by our own works of prayers, giving, fasting, learning other languages, etc.

For those who accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour, there is a promise of eternal life with God—an eternal life free from pain, sorrow, and death. This promise transforms the fear of death into the hope of resurrection and eternal communion with God. Believers can rest in the confidence that, through Christ, they have been granted eternal life, a hope that anchors my soul and inspires me to share this Good News with you today.

Are you ready to renounce your old ways of living, thinking and hoping and accept something and someone new, permanent and eternal?

Please watch my latest Youtube video, subscribe to my blog and download my free E-book for ALL believers.

See you next week!